All results / Stories / Mary Kimm

Editorial: Freedom of Information on Life Support in General Assembly?

Last week, the Assembly passed SB 202, which undid a major push eight years ago to ensure that all of our public spending was ‘online’ and searchable by ordinary citizens. This, of course, meant disclosing the salaries of public employees over a certain income level.

Editorial: Open Letter to Elected Officials and Candidates

Spend some of your campaign dollars in newspapers.

Here at the Connection, our email boxes are filling up with messages from people running for office. It’s not surprising, since in November, virtually every state and local office in the commonwealth is on the ballot.

Editorial: Yes to Nonpartisan Redistricting

Politicians shouldn’t be choosing voters.

Virginia’s Congressional map is unconstitutional because African American voters are packed into District 3, according to the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia. The problem will have to be remedied by drawing new boundaries.

Editorial: Take One Action to Prevent Suicide

Suicide Prevention Week is Sept. 5-13, #MindsMatter

As school begins, we are accustomed to safety warnings. Slow down driving, watch for students along the roads, near schools and perhaps behaving unpredictably near intersections. Buckle seat belts. Wear bicycle helmets. Avoid distracted driving.

Editorial: Celebrate, Shop, Dine Locally

Every day can be “small business day.”

There is a joy to participating in community traditions and celebrations during the holidays, from walking along a sidewalk with the streets decked out for the holidays, to shopping in local stores, to being greeted by someone likely to be the owner of the store, to finding gifts that are not mass-produced

Editorial: Learning in a Global Community

Students in Fairfax County speak 160 languages.

This week our ongoing series about immigration in Fairfax County takes a look at county schools, and some of the joys and challenges of having a diverse student body that speaks as many as 160 different languages at home.

Opinion: Registered to Vote at Current Address?

Oct. 15 deadline; encourage eligible high school and college students to vote as well.

It's a key question that must be answered by Oct. 15 in order to vote in this presidential election: are you registered to vote at your current address? Answering that question early, and voting early, will help ensure that your vote is counted and will contribute to a more orderly Election Day.

Editorial: Vote Now to Avoid the Earthquake

Early voting available for most voters now; vote by Nov. 3.

The news is all about Donald, Hilary, Bernie, Carlie, Joe and Jeb. That’s next year, November 2016. The election in less than a month matters here in Northern Virginia. What are your priorities?

Arlington Opinion: Why Shop Small? Shop Large Locally

Small business Saturday isn’t enough; don’t wait until then, and don’t stop after that.

There is a joy to shopping in local stores at the holidays, to participating in community traditions and celebrations, to walking along a sidewalk with the streets decked out for the holidays, to being greeting by someone likely to be the owner of the store, to finding gifts that are not mass-produced.

Tease photo

Opinion: Editorial: Celebrating Mother’s Day with Photos

Send in photos now or right after you take new Mother’s Day photos; and more reasons to contact the Connection.


Opinion: Budget Season in Fairfax County

Attend a town hall meeting and express your priorities.

Alexandria and Arlington each have a meals tax, both enacted without a referendum because as urban forms of government in Virginia, their local elected bodies were authorized to enact the tax legislatively.

Editorial: Shop Locally, Shop in McLean

Small business Saturday isn’t enough; don’t wait until then, and don’t stop after that.

An effort to support locally owned businesses has resulted in the recognition of Small Business Saturday, the Saturday after Thanksgiving. This year that is Nov. 30. Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, is known as a dedicated day of national zeal for shopping. Presumably the next day shoppers can focus on local shopping.

Editorial: So Hard to Imagine?

Poor families face challenges that officials and many of the rest of us have trouble envisioning.

The Commonwealth of Virginia and even Northern Virginia includes many poor families and individuals. But officials seem to have trouble wrapping their brains around some of the difficulties this can cause.

Editorial: Vote

It will matter who is elected governor.

To vote on Election Day, you must be registered at your current address no later than Oct. 15, 2013. You can check your registration status online by visiting the State Board of Elections website at www.sbe.virginia.gov. There you can also download a voter registration form and mail or fax it to your elections office address.

Editorial: How to Register, Vote, Vote Early

Don't sweat voter ID; voter registration card, current utility bill, bank statement, paycheck or government check with name, address of voter will work.

Changes in Virginia's voter identification rules are causing confusion in many quarters, and some voters might be tempted to stay home rather than deal with a difficult situation. What about your 92-year-old mother who hasn't driven in almost a decade? Do you need to schlep her to the DMV to get her a photo ID before November?

Editorial: Interrupting Harassment and Bullying

Empowering bystanders to intervene, students to set boundaries.

With a controversial and much discussed new movie, "Bully," coming out this week, local school districts continue to wrestle with the issue of bullying in the schools.

Alexandria: Backpacks for All

Thousands of students will begin school this fall at a disadvantage; help now so they have the basics.

The first day of school each year is fraught with anticipation and anxiety. Many local students will be concerned about what they wear, who they will see, what it will be like. They’ve already had multiple shopping trips, online and otherwise, to be sure they have the supplies and extras they need. We live in an area where many if not most families have the means and desire to do almost whatever it takes to give their children the best chances for success.

Editorial: Call for Father’s Day Photos

This week and next, we print Mother’s Day photos, and we call for photos for Father’s Day. Father's Day is Sunday, June 21, 2015 and once again the Connection will publish a gallery of Father's Day photos.

Opinion: First Day of School Coming Up

And never too early for parents to get involved.

The first day of school in most of Northern Virginia is Tuesday, Sept. 4. We don't agree with having the General Assembly dictate the first day of school, requiring the start date to be after Labor Day, but starting school after Labor Day does seem more hospitable than the Aug. 27 start in many other areas.